What You Should Know About Treating Your Seborrheic Dermatitis

When it comes to taking care of your skin and appearance, you do everything you can to keep it looking and feeling healthy. However, if you have recently been suffering from dry, flaky patches of skin on and around your scalp and face, you may find yourself at the dermatologist's office receiving a diagnosis of seborrheic dermatitis, a chronic form of eczema on your face and scalp (known in infants as cradle cap). Once you know what is causing your skin discomfort, you can begin to explore treatment options and begin the process of getting your seborrheic dermatitis under control. Get to know some of these treatment options so that you and your dermatologist can figure out a plan for you and your skin.

Home Remedies and Over-the-Counter Solutions

Sometimes, if your seborrheic dermatitis is mild, or if you are trying to keep the condition under control in between flare-ups, you can try home remedies and over-the-counter products rather than going the route of prescription medications and medical interventions. One of the ways to naturally remove the scaly patches of skin from your scalp and hair is to apply olive oil to your scalp.

Gently massage the olive oil into your scalp and leave it in for several minutes or up to an hour, and then brush through and wash your hair. This can soften and loosen up the scaly patches of skin and help you get rid of them.

Other over-the-counter solutions for seborrheic dermatitis include medicated dandruff shampoos that can also help to reduce the scaling and flaking of your scalp. Aloe vera may also help with flare-ups on the scalp and the face. Aloe vera has natural anti-inflammatory properties and can ease the discomfort you experience during seborrheic dermatitis flare-ups while restoring moisture to your skin.

Prescription Medications and/or Light Therapy

If your seborrheic dermatitis is more severe or does not respond well to the home remedies you try, prescription medications are also a treatment option. There are prescription-strength anti-fungal shampoos that you can use to help treat your flare-ups. Doctors may also prescribe anti-fungal creams or oral pill medications for your seborrheic dermatitis if they suspect a fungal infection is a contributing factor.

Corticosteroid treatments can also be used in the case of continued or severe flare-ups. These topical medications help to reduce inflammation and discomfort and can work to get rid of your flare-ups quickly. However, using corticosteroids over a long-term basis can have negative effects on your skin, and they are often only used for short periods of time and for severe seborrheic dermatitis.

Light therapy is also a treatment option for this chronic skin condition. A medicated skin cream is applied to the affected areas by your dermatologist, or you can take an oral pill form of the same medication. Then, your skin is exposed to controlled amounts of UV light at your doctor's office. The filtered UV light is meant to help help heal your skin and to reduce the longevity and severity of your flare-ups.

Now that you know a few of the treatment options for your seboorheic dermatitis, you can work with a dermatologist at a location like Advanced Dermatology & Skin Cancer Specialists of Moreno Valley to develop a treatment protocol that works for you.
